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Life-long learning is at the foundation of the fire service. You’ll be constantly training, learning new, and revising old skills. Showing an interest in continuing education is something departments are looking for. Have you been keeping up with renewing your certifications and taking new ones? or did you graduate pre-service and be idle for months (gasp) years! Complacency and routine can creep up, this page shares some vital resources on key courses and training you should focus on to build both you and your portfolio!

Valuable NFPA Certifications and Other Courses

NFPA Certifications NFPA1035. Fire & Life Safety Educator In Ontario offered at colleges, such as, Conestoga, Georgian, Seneca In British Columbia – Justice Institute NFPA 1031Fire Inspector NFPA 1041 Fire Instructor NFPA 1002 Driver Operator NFPA 1006 Specialty Rescue Courses Operations Level – (Focus on attaining your operations level in all […]
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DZ Training In a Firetruck – SafeLane

SAFELANE FIRE TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING Mission Statement Our mission is to provide the best and most up to date fire truck driver training available, giving our students an opportunity to learn, develop and apply their skills at the highest level of competency. We strive for our students to achieve career gratification while receiving the employment […]