Preparing For Stress Questions – Firefighter Interview
Date: 2023-08-16
Time: 7:00 pm
Duration: 1 hour
Location: ZOOM

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Fire Chief Arjuna George and Chief Training Officer Dave Gillespie

Stress question’s are the most common questions asked in firefighter interviews

Guelph 2019 FireFighter Interview Question

How do you feel about burnout in the fire service and what is your opinion on it or what can you do to prevent it?

Toronto 2021 Fire Fighter Interview Question

Tell us a time you had to immediately react to a stressful situation without prior ability to contemplate your actions

Okotoks 2022 FireFighter Interview Question

What are some strategies that you use to deal with job related stressors?


What is stress?

What is Burnout?

What is Resiliency?

How can you avoid burnout?

How can you be more resilient?

What are ways firefighters can manage stress?

Managing stress in our day to day lives?

learn how to lower your heart rate to allow you to

be more focused and make better decisions at the

interview table